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My Services
Back Massage

The Signature Cosmic Massage

A delightful combination of light, medium and, as needed, deep Swedish massage, Reiki energy healing, Thai yoga stretching for the neck, arms, and shoulders, as well as reflexexology points on the hands and feet.


An all-over therapeutic yet spiritual experience that affects every cell in the body, leaving you feeling refreshed and restored. Hot towels, Solfeggio Frequency sound healing, vibrational bodywork, BEMER therapy are included in each session. Aromatherapy and or crysal singing bowls can be added, if desired. Healing sessions will be customized, based on your needs.


Note: If you are looking for true "deep tissue" massage therapy, this is not my style. Energetic, fully therapeutic yet lighter bodywork is my classic style, is highly effective and well received by many. The fusion of sound therapy, along with BEMER therapy makes this a fully therapeutic healing session.  Read my reviews. 



~ 30 Minute Quick Tune-Up $65


~ 60 Minutes: $125 or 3 for $350


~ 90 Minutes: $150 or 3 for $425


Prenatal Mother Massage ™

Prenatal Mother Massage ™

A delicious massage with light to medium pressure for the Mom-To-Be or new momma. A comfortable prop system supports the mom-to-be, allowing her to lay both supine and side lying.


Mother Massage can help to address the aches and pains that come along with pregnancy, leading to a better night’s sleep. Mother Massage can help reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system for both mother and child. (BEMER therapy is contraindicated during pregnancy.)

~ 60 Minutes: $125 or 3 for $350


~ 90 Minutes: $150 or 3 for $425 

Reflexology Therapy


The Laura Norman Method of Foot Reflexology helps to relax and soothe, not only the feet, but the entire person as a whole - body, mind and spirit. Different from massage therapy, you'll be fully clothed for your session, except for your feet, of course. This 60-minute treatment restores the natural balance to the body and is profoundly relaxing.  Hot towels and BEMER therapy incorporated into each session. Aromatherapy can be added, if desired. 

The Laura Norman Method of Foot Reflexology ~ 

60 minutes $110

90 minutes $140

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BEMER Therapy

Experience the healing power of BEMER. BEMER stands for Bioenergy ElectroMagnetic Energy Regulation. BEMER is most effective when integrated into your life on a daily basis.  


A typical session will last about 30 minutes. Commit to twice weekly sessions and track your progress for five weeks. If you absolutely love BEMER and want to have one at home for everyday use, try before you buy with a monthly rental, which includes plenty of assistance.  

~ Single BEMER Session: $35


~ 10 Sessions/$325


~  BEMER Pro Set Rentals: $600/month  


~ Purchase your own BEMER! Click Here 

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The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy 

The Alexander Method of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy is based on Quantum Physics and other scientific, as well as ancient, doctrines that prove that all matter vibrates to a precise frequency.


The Alexander Method addresses every area of body, mind, spirit, and soul.  By using the correct sound and vibrational attunement, you can experience deep levels of healing at the cellular level. This profound experience brings your body, mind and spirit back in to alignment. 


If you are interested in having me bring The Alexander Method, along with BEMER bioenergy healing to your residential treatment center or therapeutic school or office, here is a wonderful 2-page color flyer for print.  

~ 75-90 minutes $125 

Sound Baths

In your yoga studio, crystal shop, private home or retreat 

Raise your vibration and settle into a state of deep relaxation, in a beautiful layered sound bath. A delightful - and therapeutic - layering of Crystal singing bowls, Koshi chimes reprenting the four elements of earth, fire, water aand air, and the Solfeggio Frequency Tuning Forks are used. The sound bath is poweful and can assist in releasing stuck emotions, healing inner child wounds, relieving pain and discomfort, reducing anxiety and depression, shifting your nervous system into parasympathetoc mode, to faciliate deeper healing for body, mind and spirit.


Each sound bath event is customized for your specific needs, whether it is in your yoga studio, crystal shop, your private home, or part of a healing retreat. Let's co-create something beautiful for you and your guests! I would be honored to hold sacred space for you and your guests and welcome collaborations with other healers. 

~ Custom pricing per event


Skin Care

Self Care Workshops

Self-care is key for anyone wishing to look and feel their best, but, even more important, as caregivers, it is ESSENTIAL to learn how to take care of ourselves and fill our own cups, so we can be there for those who call upon us for help and healing -children, aging parents, colleagues, and clients. If you are seeking ways to nourish your own soul, this is a wonderful way to begin your self-care regimen! 


Offering 60 and 90-minute workshops, teaching foot reflexology, facial yoga, and Shakti Mat acupressure classes. Tap into simple, fun and restorative practices, which will help you look and feel better, and you will move more freely, by putting into practice what you learn. 


As we age, the fascia in the body becomes less pliable, which is why it is so important to incorporate movement and bodywork into your wellness routine. When we have physical conditions that cause us pain, whether it’s from having a curved spine or being hurt a car accident that’s left us compensating, we have postural imbalances that can slow us down. Learn simple tricks to unwind the fascia in the body and move freely, once again! 



~ $125 per 60 minutes private session

~ $150 per 90 minute private session 

~ $25 per person, group setting  



Reflexology Therapy

Special Events 

Employees, teachers, bridal parties, Air BNB guests all appreciate being pampered and LOVE having on-site massage therapy, reflexology, BEMER vascular therapy, and sound healing.  Generally, therapeutic sessions run about 30-60 minutes per person, with a short break in between.  Please call to discuss your ideas, and we will co-create an AMAZING day of healing for you and your guests or employees! 

~$800 for full day, with lunch

~$500 for half day 

~Customized pricing per minute or by session

~Programs can be customized, so please call to discuss your company's wellness needs! 

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