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What is Bemer?

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BEMER Therapy

Bemer stands for BioElectroMagnetic Energy Regulation. 

Check out this great video that explains the benefits of BEMER in 8 minutes! 

Sign up for your Free BEMER Session at Get Glowing!

A typical session will last about 30 minutes.

Commit to twice weekly sessions and track your progress for five weeks.

Try Before you Buy and rent the BEMER set for your home or office use.

Poor Local Blood Flow

Good Local Blood Flow

See the difference between healthy local blood flow and slow-moving local blood flow. Optimized local blood flow in healthy muscles is vital to functional muscular performance.




Single 30-minute session: $35

10 Sessions $300

BEMER Pro Set rentals: $600/month  




~ How should I feel after my BEMER Vascular Therapy?


Results are always individualized.  Many people do not feel anything when they have their initial BEMER session, while others do feel a noticeable change in their bodies.  The BEMER signal lasts 12-16 hours in the body, so you may feel results throughout the day.  Many people feel they have more energy and might have the best night's sleep they've had in a long time even after their first BEMER session.


​~ Can the BEMER Vascular Therapy cure diseases?


BEMER is not a disease-specific application. Its effects on the circulation and the resulting improvements to the supply and removal of substances to/from the body's cells allow these cells to produce and supply increasing amounts of energy and therefore carry out their tasks (production) in a more functional manner.


~ Can I use the BEMER with metal implants?


Because of the low intensity of the magnetic field used to transmit the typical BEMER signals, the BEMER can be used with all metal implants (e.g. surgical screws, discs, suture clips, etc.)


​~ Can the BEMER be used by people with electronic implants?


The electromagnetic fields used in BEMER technology cannot cause any faults to pacemakers or defibrillators, providing that the implant complies with the European standard 45502-x for these implants and that the doctor uses the device correctly. However, you should check with your physician to confirm that the pacemaker will not be adversely affected by the electromagnetic field the BEMER emits.  The maximum average flux density (intensity) of the BEMER on its highest output level is 150 microTeslas. 




~ If you are pregnant and have never used BEMER therapy before, it is best to wait until after the baby is born. 


​~ Immunosuppressive therapy in consequence of transplantation.


​~ Immunosuppressive therapy in consequence of allogeneic cellular transplantations or bone marrow stem cell transplantation. Other conditions often requiring immunosuppressive therapy, e.g. autoimmune diseases or dermatological diseases are not contraindications to the use of BEMER therapy. BEMER therapy application has to be cleared by the physician in charge.


​~ Do not use the device if you have a diagnosed Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).


​~ Active medical implants that lead to stimulation (e.g. pacemakers, defibrillators, brain stimulators, muscle stimulators) represent a relative contraindication. The use of  BEMER therapy must be discussed with the patient's attending physician. 


​~ All active medical implants that are intended to administer medication (medication pumps) are an absolute contraindication and prohibit the use of BEMER therapy. However, you can safely use Bemer with the medication pump taken off during a session. 


​~ With active medical implants as a relative contraindication, it is imperative to ensure that the implantable device is compatible with BEMER use and operates as intended without interference.


​~ Implantable devices that are electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic have a threshold of exposure to electromagnetic energy that ensures operational safety.  Therefore, it is important that the physician is aware of the output power of the BEMER to ensure its use will not negatively impact the active implant or its functional operation.




~ Implantable devices that are electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic have a threshold of exposure to electromagnetic energy that ensures operational safety.  Therefore, it is important that the physician is aware of the output power of the BEMER to ensure its use will not negatively impact the active implant or its functional operation.


​~ The BEMER signal is emitted at a maximum average flux density (intensity) of 150 micro Tesla (μT) or 1.5 Gauss at the applicator surface and decreases exponentially with distance from its source.

If the doctor is not familiar with the maximum thresholds for electromagnetic exposure to the implantable device, the published guidelines from the device manufacturer should be referenced to ensure the safety and efficacy of the active implant during BEMER use.

This may guide the doctor in their decision about BEMER use with the patient’s active medical implant.


Want to learn more or dive more deeply? 


Join our weekly Tuesday evening Zoom call, to learn more about how BEMER therapy can improve your life:

Click here to join the call, Tuesdays, 8-9:00 PM, EST 

Meeting ID: 9048684550; Password: 236377 (Spells BEMERS)



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